Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Week from Hell!

I'm starting to recover from the most stressful week ever, anything that could go wrong did go wrong, believe me when I say I wouldn't wish the week that I have just had on my worst enermy. I have begun to see things clearer and started to get things sorted in my head! So it's back to the books and laptop for me!

I know that I am a little bit behind with my IOCT module, but I think that I am up to date if not ahead with IWS, so this is helping to keep the panicking to a minimum!

I'm about to start my report on participation in the online community. I think that I have got things in place to start it, just trying to work out where to start! I guess actually typing something would be a good place!!

I know that it's a difficult time for all of us and our time is precious especially with the deadline drawing closer, so I'm going to keep it short and sweet today. Good luck to you all with the hand in!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Hi Kirstie

I'm sorry you have had such an awful week, but am glad you have managed to come out on top. I have abandoned IOCT for the moment to try and catch up on the IWS to hand in on time.

Good luck
