Friday, 7 November 2008

Learning in a Community

OK, I know that I haven't posted anything for awhile, and I did say that I would try and post regularly, (now you know what's going to come next!) but, I have been really busy, with our academic reviews day at work, school holiday, the calling from the recently purchased wii boards was too much to resist! I did of course work on my uni activities as well.

The activity that I have recently been working on is the Learning in a Community, I have enjoyed working on this, I noticed that a lot of people had chosen a magazine article layout, but having been working on video making and edited with my classes, I thought that I would have a go at using this as my media type.

I had to create it in Windows Movie Maker, I think that the finished video is fairly good, but I have to say that I prefer video editing in iMovie, but it's not on my laptop! I do think that finished videos that have been created in iMovie do have more of a professional look, the transitions and effects that you can use are much better. However, I do like what I have done and I do think that it does the job that I intended it to do and for that reason, Windows Movie Maker is fine!

I enjoyed this activity and after it is fully edited I intend to upload it to youtube, at least it will be something different to look at instead of a 5 year old being better than me on the DDR (Dance mat)!

I have felt a little deflated lately, I have been posting work for my peers to review and for one of my pieces of work, I only received one feedback and that was from a LF. It got me thinking about how people work in an online environment or community. I started researching into this and I came across the term "Lurkers" "one who posts occasionally or not a all but is known to read the group's postings regularly" (Nonnecke, B. and Preece, J. 2001), I'm sure that this isn't the case for my fellow researchers, but I have to say that at the time I did think that it slightly hindered me.

With the deadline for the first module drawing ever closer, I'm sure that we are all bogged down with work and adding those finishing touches that our work needs, I'm thinking that my work just slipped through the net and that's why I didn't get a lot of feedback, well this is what I'm hoping anyway!

I do think that the relationships between fellow researchers are defiantly growing well, and that these will continue to establish over the coming months/years. There are a lot of people offering support and have motivating words for others and this is good, I haven't had a complete melt down yet, but I hope that if I ever do then my fellow researchers will be there for me.

So on the note of my journey so far, I am enjoying everything that I have undertaken at the moment, to me the learning that I have done already is immense. Although I knew that the Internet was a massive tool for learning and researching, I never knew that I could find so much information and things to read about the topics that we are covering. I always use the Internet when I am researching things (like new shoes etc!!) but the vast amount of information that is out there has absolutely blown me away. All you have to do is know what to start looking for!!!!

Well I have updated all that I can at this moment in time, although I do know that I haven't spoke about everything that we have covered since my last posting, but I would be here for ever, and I think that there is only so much of me rambling that you will want to read! I'm now going to start reading my notes that I am going to be using to complete that report that I am currently working on.

I will try to post something else over the weekend, but I'm not promising!!

Have a good weekend!

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