Saturday, 22 November 2008

Almost done!

Having looked over all the activities that I have had to do for the IWS module I am busy stitching it all together, I'm finding this activity very exciting and interesting as I am reflecting on all the emotions and learning that I have done over the past few weeks and I am now understanding why I have spent so many hours sat in front of my laptop and realising what it has all been for!!

I'm hoping that I am ticking all the criteria that is needed but it's hard to keep it within the maximum word count, I feel that I could ramble on forever about this!

Having said all that it will be good to have closure on this activity and give my full attention to the IOCT module.

I have really enjoyed this module investing my work setting has been very productive and interesting for me, looking in to my organisation, where I am, what I do and the skills that I need and have to enable to have an effective role within my organisation.

I best end it here and get back to my stitching!!

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