Tuesday 2 December 2008

Personal Webspace

Getting back to studying and focusing now on completing the IOCT module, my next task was to create a personal web space, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to put in it. I have never had the urge to publish anything about myself. The people that I want to know things about me are my family and friends and if I have anything new about myself then I tell them, I don't publish it!

Then I thought about this a little more and I realise that maybe I do publish things about myself, only the other day I updated my thoughts within Facebook and a colleague asked me about it the next day! I had never really thought about updating moods, thoughts and even blogs as publishing yourself on the Internet!

I never thought that I would create a website about myself and although I now have I am glad that I have only given the address to my co-researchers, I don't like thinking that personal details are available for all to see. I know that I didn't have to include my personal details within this web space but I thought that it would give my co-researchers an insight in to me and that this would help us to build a stronger community and friendships, in a way getting to know each other better. I had to remember that I have never met any of my "Class mates" and they nothing about me other than I am on the same degree course as them.

I am now going to look at the rest of activity 4 which is comparing my web pages against others, which I'm not looking forward to, I know that I am not criticising anyone else's web pages but I think that it will be difficult to compare other's work that is personal to them against my own. But who knows maybe when I get into it I will enjoy it, at least I can look at other's web pages and get to know them better in the same way that I would like them to get to know me better.


Shirley Pickford said...

Your web space - if it is on FC - is public and should not contain any information that you are not happy for everyone to see. As this is a work-related degree, it would be appropriate to publish something oriented towards your work, such as what you do (but not where you work) - and what you are interested in at work.

Tricia said...

Hi Kirstie

Good to get your view on this personal webspace. I really can't make up my mind what to do. I am dithering!

I agree it is a good way of people getting to know you. I note you say you get reassurance from only giving your url address to the Cohort. But if anyone who knew you was to type your name in on the internet and bring up your web page would you feel as comfortable?
