Thursday, 8 January 2009

A late Happy New Year wish

Happy new year to you all!

I can't believe how long ago it was that I made my last post, I seem to have found life without study a little too comfortable! I have been checking in a lot to FirstClass, but there's not a lot of posts to read! I think we must have all enjoyed the break and study must be on the back burner for everyone.

I'm hoping that this break will have been resting for everyone, I know that I felt great until I went back to work, and now I'm wishing that we had actually had a extra week off! Oh well only 5 weeks until the next school holidays but this time we'll all be back studying.

I'm waiting for the marks to come in now and I have to say I'm feeling a little apprehensive about it, I'm not sure how well I have done. I can't decided if I would like high marks or not, If I get high marks for my first modules will I be disappointed in the future if I don't get the same high marks! I am sure that I will be pleased with what ever marks I get as this is the first time that I have done anything like this before and I know that this is the beginning of a new learning curve for me.

I found the first 2 modules interesting and I did enjoy working through them even though there were a few late nights, stress and frustration spent on them. I do hope that I continue to enjoy my studies, as studying for a degree is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time now and I am doing the same as my local football team "living the dream", I really hope that the end is a good dream and doesn't turn out to be a nightmare!

I'm sure that I will post again soon when I have my marks, good luck to you all!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Hi Kirstie

Happy New year to you too. Like you I had dropped in and out of Frist Class to see who was about but only one or two with messages of good wishes. It seems that we all decided to have a proper break.

The forthcoming weekend will be my first free one since the break, and I have not managed to do anything yet which I promised myself I would during the break. It was really weird at first not to have to rush to my pc as soon as I got home and start doing coursework and I felt somewhat lost. But I soon got used to it!

By now you will have seen your marks. There was an issue with my SID number so I did not get mine until Monday of this week. I'm sure people must be starting to post now so am going to try to drop into First Class during my lunch break.

I know exactly what you mean about the level of marks. Whilst I am plesantly pleased I am feeling a little apprehensive that now I've set a standard I've got to maintain it, but that's jus6t be putting the pressure on, no-one else!

Good luck and progress
