Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Finding my feet

I've been following my degree course 2 weeks, now I'm still not sure that I've got my head around everything, and at times it feels like I never will!!

Reading the posts from other peers has been really helpful though as I know that I'm not the only one feeling like that!

I've finally handed my first part of my module in and it has been signed off, so I do feel a little bit better, I guess I must be doind something right!

I'm working on the second part now, describing what a typical working day is like for me. I think that I went into a little too much detail at first, but with a re-draft and a few photos added I'm hoping that it will be fine.

Husband and the kids have gone on holiday this week, soI've got a week were I can get my teeth into the module in peace, who knows maybe this time next week I'll have my head around everything we have to do and and read, but I doubt it!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Hi Kirstie

Just to say hello. It's a bit of a turbulent ride at present, but it seems that people are starting to settle into the course a bit more. As you say we all seem to be suffering from the same doubts and worries, but the support from Cohort 9 is really good.

Hope all continues to go well.
