Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Ok, so I know that I haven't made a post in a really long time, but that is not because I haven't been keeping a learning journal, it's just that I thought that I would try keeping a paper version for year 2, and I have to say that it was really useful, it meant that I could have access to my journal instantly rather than logging on to a computer and it also made it easier to "blog" whilst I was at work as I can't access this site from work as it is automatically blocked!

The second year has flown by and I have to say that I am looking forward to starting the 3rd year although I am planning on having a restful summer holidays so i hope that it doesn't come around too quickly! There has been times that I thought that I wouldn't make it this far but I have and that has spurred me on to completing my degree studies and get into the profession that I want. I can and I will, is my motto at the moment!

Not only do I have a motto, but I am also counting down the days until the summer holidays and praying that the warm weather returns! Although I intend for the holidays to be very restful, I am also thinking about a topic for the final year, so I guess I will also be doing some reading!